Product Description:
- Jumbo-SPOT-RTQ is a completely self-contained digital hotspot supporting DMR,Dstar,P25 and System Fusion communications.Fully assembled and tested in a ruggedized aluminum enclosure.All that's required for operation is a micro usb (android phone's cable)power source and a WiFi based internet connection.
- Pi-Star Digital Voice Software pre-loaded and easily upgraded via software.
All is new. We have preloaded the pi-star in the TF card and set most settings. You will find it more easier to get it work.
1.we have set it to simplex mode.
2.we have choose OLED type
3.we have choose STM32 GPIO type
4.we have set a tmp wifi parameters, ssid:TZB, password:13902982913.
You can open a tmp hotspot by mobile to get the mmdvm to work quickly.
Login info:User:pi-star password:raspberrySet the same Callsign, DMR ID, Frequency, Color code, Repeater Slot
visit input your home ssid and psk ,then download the wpa_supplicant.conf inside with have your home ssid and psk,then save to TF card ,ROOT root directory example F:\ then power on it ,wait 2-3 minutes ,it will auto connect your home 's ssid,you can check your wifi router to see the pi-star host connected and it's ip.
also you can use your pc to ping pi-star ,if success,you can open http://pi-star or your pi-star's ip default login user is pi-star,

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